Half a Word…

No one thinks they are going to die. hmmmn..not even a disease do you think you might have. All the bad bad things only happen to others. In fact, the stories sound really nice to the ears and are imagined to be happening so so far away.

This is the attitude that leads man to doom the most. It reminds me of a conferencce my teacher spoke about. It was a conference on the prevention of infectious diseases. The participants were from different countries, representatives of their governments and would be responsible for the prevention of diseases in their countries. Every one of them was told to wash their hands after leaving the toilet but majority was later found to have not.

These people could be termed the most aware of the consequences but the very first step, that of taking care of their own selves, they failed. Why? because of the innate bias towards oneself, the thought that nothing wrong would happen to you-until they happen.

You probably do have this attitude as regards certain things just like I do. Think of the number of times you suspended your voluntary fast, delayed your solaat or any other important thing just because they could be done later or because you think you would be able to make up for them.

Just a food for thought. Half a word is enough for the wise(Yoruba proverb).